I want to save you from making mistakes that I made, so I’ve written a list just for YOU to help identify some postpartum game-changers that will save some heartache.
Let’s dive in…
Learn everything about P.U.R.P.L.E. crying! I have a post about it here as a starting point.
Soak up info about 0-4 months sleep cycles & proven sleep info: then make informed decisions about how we want to address sleep/naps from day 01 (Very personal decisions here, but for us, lack of sleep caused much deeper postpartum issues)
Invest in some staple clothing items that are comfy, stretchy, and secure- to fit my new postpartum body- right away. I highly recommend Aerie high waisted leggings!
Join an inclusive “fed is best” community, whether virtual or in person. The pressure for breastfeeding, when it just plainly WAS NOT working for us, caused huge breakdowns. Not worth it when my son thrived using formula. Every baby is different- but I wish I could go back and hug new mom me, for crying over spilled, unused milk.
Invest in newborn photography. (I didn’t. And I regret it very heavily.)
Find a friend or two, locally or virtually in fb groups, who’s baby is due the same month. (You can go through the shitty 2 am feedings together, texting in solidarity!)
Have you heard of the “glass vs rubber balls” comparison theory? Check it out here. Take it to heart. And quickly sort out (daily, if needed) which is which for your fam.
Stay in tune with your limit, mentally and physically. I tuned my limits out and popped stitches (0/10 do not recommend), nearly got mastitis, and became suicidal over the course of months 0-4. Do not let your mental or physical health become a dropped glass ball. There is NO SHAME in seeking out help- and if going to a professional is scary/overwhelming for you, start with a trusted friend. Just start somewhere. YOU are just as important as your baby. Put your oxygen mask on first.